Phase 2 Launch

Phase 2 Launch

We are excited to announce the launch of Phase 2. This is a significant milestone for Remint Network as we progress towards Phase 3, which will feature the launch of Remint currency on diverse crypto exchanges, as well as the introduction of the real estate DApp. In preparation for this, we are laying the groundwork in Phase 2.

During the current phase (Phase 2), we will transition Remint Network to Binance Smart Chain and migrate the circulating supply to the main net. We will also develop the Remint currency to offer unique functionality and conduct on the chain, including integration with smart contracts. In addition, the team will plan and implement incentives to stabilize the value of Remint currency after its launch on the exchange, effectively mitigating volatility. Once we have transitioned to Binance Smart Chain, a contract address will be created, and users will be able to withdraw their Remint tokens to wallets compatible with Binance Smart Chain, such as Trust Wallet, MetaMask, and Binance Chain Wallet.
Furthermore, an ICO is scheduled for December of this year to raise capital that will be allocated to the liquidity pool. Although there are other initiatives in progress during this phase, these are the most prominent ones.

We will soon introduce a VIP feature within the app, offering users the opportunity to double their earnings and enjoy additional benefits that come with VIP status. So stay tuned for our next announcement, which will be about Remint VIP!

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