Multiply your earnings with referrals

Multiply your earnings with referrals

Referrals can multiply your Remint assets many times over and the use of the referral system is by far the most effective way to acquire Remint coins at a higher rate. Here is an illustration of that and the difference it makes; We have three Remint users (A, B and C) who activate their mining button once a day. 

User A has no referred team members and therefore earns the standard mining rate excluding referral boost: 0.6 coins/hour, 14.4 coins/24 hours, 100.8/week, 403.2 coins/month and 4 838 coins/year.          

User B, however, has 5 team members, giving him a +125% (25% * 5 = 125%) boost on his mining rate. B adds +0.75 coins/hour (0.6 * 1.25 = 0.75) on top of 0.6 coins/hour which gives him the following: 1.35 coins/hour, 32.4 coins/24 hours, 226,8 coins/week, 907.2 coins/month and 10 886.4 coins/year

User C has referred 10 team members and gets a +250% (25% * 10) mining boost. His mining boost is 1.5 coins/hour (0.6 * 2.50 = 1.5) and he now earns 2.1 coins/hour, 50.4 coins/24 hours, 352.8 coins/week, 1411.2 coins/month, 16 934.4 coins/year

The example here requires that all team members are active once a day as well, but we keep it simple for illustration purposes.

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